With Halloween just around the corner, and no idea what I will dress up as, I began searching for some ideas. Many people use Halloween to express their inner selves, a chance to really "do" themselves up. It's quite interesting concept to see what someone will select for a costume. They carefully select an identity to possess for one evening.
I think what or who a person chooses to be on Halloween can say a lot about their real identity. The guy who wears the Breathalyzer has an obvious statement about his ambitions for the evening, and will get a lot of high-fives from the guys. The couple dressed as the ball and chain could me making a funny statement about the actual state of their relationship. The dog dressed up as the lion possibly wants to feel fierce for one night. What really intrigues me is the person who goes all out in their ghoulish attire, so much so you can barely recognize them. What is their costume saying about them? That for one night they want to be feared and unknown? It's so fascinating to me, possibly the best part about seeing everyone.
Halloween is not the only day we put on a costume, however. Every morning most of us, unless residing in a nudist colony, wake up and select a costume from our wardrobe for the day. Some of us visit the make-up dapartment next, carefully concealing our imperfections and enhancing our best attributes, sometimes even creating the illusion that something is natural, like false eyelashes, high arched eyebrows, or drawing a mini Cindy Crawford mole (yes, I actually read in a magazine once about women who do this).
I think it is important to recognize that we play dress up everyday, depending on the show we are starring or costarring in. A different costume is worn for work and play, for night and day.
I still am at a loss of how I will dress up for Halloween.... I'm thinking a witch, so I finally have an excuse for my recent bad behavior!
I am not advertising for any of the costume distributors I linked to. I simply did a Google search and selected the first one that came up!
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